What Are the Health Benefits of Green Tea Extract?

Green tea is a very healthy beverage full of antioxidants, anti inflammation compounds and other nutrients.  It comes from a plant called camellia sinensis originally found in the warmer climates of East Asia, Africa and the Middle East.  Next to water, green tea is the most consumed drink worldwide. It has a polyphenol called EGCG as one of its major components. EGCG, a catechin of green tea, is the most researched and thought to have the most health benefits.

Some Green Tea Health Benefits

  • boosts the immune system
  • promotes brain health
  • supports heart health
  • increases weight loss
  • lowers inflammation
  • helps reduce cell damage
  • enhances cell health
  • improve skin health
  • regulates insulin and blood sugar levels

Boots the Immune System

Having more polyphenyl antioxidants in the body boosts the immune system and lessens the effects of oxidative stress in the brain and heart. This compares to slowing down the browning of an apple. Many athletes use green tea in season and off just to keep their body healthy and lessen colds and flu like symptoms. Also, ECGC regulates the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) that causes inflammation.  TNF is an inflammatory cytokine reaction of the immune system.

Promotes Brain Health

ECGC promotes brain health by protecting brain cells from oxidative stress and heavy metals.  Green tea extract also has been shown to help memory by improving the connectivity of brain cells.

Supports Heart Health

Green tea supports heart health. ECGC reduces risk factors for heart disease such oxidative stress that increases fat build up in the blood, inflammation of arteries and lowering blood pressure.

Increases Weight Loss

By consuming green tea and green tea extracts some studies say thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns calories to digest food, is increased up to 33%.  Weight loss is naturally boosted with the catechins and caffeine found in ECGC.  It increases fat burning longterm and fat oxidation while inhibiting fat cell development.

Lowers Inflammation

ECGC has anti-inflammatory compounds that regulate digestive and bowel movements. Green tea extract also lowers inflammation and oxidative stress in some liver diseases.

Helps Reduce Cell Damage

Professional athletes, bodybuilders, and nutritional expert’s all have made green tea a part of their diets. The antioxidants in ECGC helps reduce cell damage due to exercise.

Enhances Cell Health

ECGC enhances cell health by supporting cell reproduction and death (apoptosis) which can aid in decreasing some cancers. The antioxidants found in green tea can lessen the free radicals that can cause uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. Studies have been conducted that show green tea lessens the following cancers:  bladder, cervical, breast, lung, Esophageal, Colorectal, osteosarcoma; pancreatic, prostate, skin, and stomach cancer; and leukemia. (1)

Improves Skin Health

Green tea can either be used as a supplement or topically to improve skin health.

Regulates Insulin and Blood Sugar Levels

ECGC has a positive effect on the regulation of insulin and lowers blood sugar levels.


Green tea can be added to your diet easily in capsules (usually more powerful than drinking a cup of tea), liquid or powder form.  Recommended dose is 250-500 mg a day. Whether you drink green tea or supplement with green tea extract, you should experience some of its health benefits such as decreased inflammation, shielding against carcinogenics, increased antioxidants, and protection against oxidative stress.

Where to purchase Green Tea

We use Green Tea in the tincture, capsules, and powder forms. For the best Green Tea tincture price buy it here.  For the best Green Tea capsules price buy it here. For the best Green Tea powder price buy it here.  For more green tea info, click here.






Natural Healing Herbs FAQ

Whether you have a chronic, life-threatening disease or just want to practice preventive health, you may want to learn of my husband’s success story with some nutraceuticals (herbs, mushrooms, and vitamins) that he used as an adjunct therapy before, during, and after his targeted protein 8-week treatment for stage4 lymphoma cancer. (Read his story here.) When people like Bill Cosby’s 44-year old daughter died of renal failure and Patrick Swayze died of cancer at 57, we know the problem is not lack of resources, but lack of knowledge. (Hos 4:6) We believe Ezekiel 47:12 and Revelation 22 1-2 which state Yahweh made plants for medicine and leaves for the healing of the nations.

We are not medical doctors but are only sharing my husbands success with nutraceuticals for educational purposes.  Please check with your own health provider before adding any of these nutraceuticals to your health regimen.

Some frequently asked questions are listed below.

What nutraceuticals did my husband use successfully during his cancer journey?

Tumeric, Curcumin, Green Tea Extract, Vitamin D3, K2, Pau’d Arco.

What Are Tumeric & Curcumin?

Can Tumeric & Curcumin Reduce Inflammation?

Have scientific studies been done on Tumeric & Curcumin?

What is the Best Timing for taking Green Tea Extract & Curcumin?

What are the health benefits of green tea?

Is Vitamin D a Vitamin?

Is dialysis your only choice for kidney disease?

What are the health benefits of Cordyceps?

How does oxidative stress and inflammation affect your health?

What importance should medical mushrooms have in your health protocol?





What Is the Best Timing to Take Green Tea?

My husband found using green tea extract along with curcumin very beneficial to his healing regimen. He had been taking both herbal supplements before, during, and after his targeted protein 8-week treatment for stage4 lymphoma cancer. One day, purely by chance, he took the green tea extract about an hour before taking curcumin.  Later that day he noticed an uptick in his strength and stamina.  My husband then realized the timing of when he took the herbal supplements greatly increased the effectiveness of them both. Since that accidental breakthrough, he now takes green tea extract an hour or so before he takes curcumin as a best practice. We don’t know why it works, but it does.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea comes from a plant called camellia sines is and has a polyphenol called EGCG as one of its major components. Whether you drink green tea or supplement with green tea extract, you should experience some of their health benefits such as anti-inflammation anticarcinogenic and increased antioxidants, and protection against oxidative stress.


Try some. You will probably like it. For the best prices for green tea in capsules or tincture, click here.





My Lymphoma (Blood Disease) Cancer Journey – By Dr. Lee Warren

In 2016 I faced the challenge of being diagnosed with lymphoma cancer, stage 4 (MALT), where 50% of my bone marrow was cancerous.

How This Journey Began

The story began in the spring of 2016 with me having an eye examination to update my eyeglasses.

The optometrist, a Japanese woman, examined my eyes and saw a strange growth in the tissue of my left eyeball. By her body language, I knew it was quite serious. She recommended I see an ophthalmologist. I decided to follow her advice and get it diagnosed after my summer bible metaphysical retreat.

I Received A Warning Dream

Now this story had a strange twist or beginning that prepared me for this challenge. Some years earlier I had a very disturbing dream that warned me of this coming crisis/challenge. The dream begins with an attractive white doctor in an examination room telling me that I had a very rare cancer. She didn’t say where it was. I told her I needed to close on a condominium first.

I had been taking supplements, juicing, etc., for years after recovering from a flesh-eating disease in 1994. So, I knew I had to intensify my health regiment which I did.


Medical Doctor’s Findings

After the summer retreat I checked into Rush University by going to the ophthalmologist, Dr. G did the initial diagnosis and confirmed that I had a rare cancer of the eye tissue called lymphoma.  He referred me to an oncologist.  I reflected on the dream I had years earlier and remembered that I had been forewarned.

The oncologist Dr. V examined my eye and confirmed that it looked like lymphoma in the tissue of the eye, He recommends a number of tests to confirm it:  biopsy, MRI, CAT SCAN, and blood work, which all confirmed the initial diagnosis.

I then got a second opinion from a doctor at Northwestern University hospital who confirmed the first Doctor’s diagnosis and I began my 8-week treatment the last day in December 2016.  My treatments lasted through mid-February 2017.  Dr. V at Rush recommended I take a number of tests again to confirm the results of the 8-week treatment.  He and I both were pleased to discover the lymphoma cancer cells decreased from. 50% in my bone marrow to less than 1%.

He told me to return in three months and we would do watchful waiting. I returned in June, September, and November to learn that all was well.  I repeated some of the tests in December and the doctor told me in January 2018 that all was well again and I should return in six months.


I took the nutraceuticals (herbs, mushrooms, and vitamins) highlighted at the mytophotherbs.com website as an adjunct therapy before, during, and after my targeted protein 8-week treatment for stage4 lymphoma cancer.  I am now a four-year cancer survivor and at my last checkup, Dr. V said my blood work and other indicators were phenomenal.  He tried to figure out why his lymphoma cancer cells were still decreasing in my body a year after I took the targeted protein treatment. Normally people have to take a maintenance treatment to keep the cancer low. The maintenance treatment would have been for two years once a month beginning April 2019 since it is always a chance that the Lymphoma can return.

For more information about My Top Herbs, click here.




Shopping for Nutraceuticals

Thanks for stopping by our site.  Below are a few herbs and supplements my husband used before, during, and after his cancer treatment.  See his story here.  We hope you find these products helpful.


There are pros and cons to taking any supplement, but curcumin has more pros than cons. The strongest argument I found against taking curcumin supplements is being able to get enough bioavailable curcumin in your system since it is difficult to absorb. Finding a supplement with piperine the active ingredient in black pepper appears to be the best solution. My husband found a turmeric extract from Physician Naturals, Super Bio-Enteric Curcumin with Bioperine & Bromelain, the active ingredient in pineapple, worked best for him.  For the best curcumin price buy it here.  For more curcumin info, click here.


When adding Turmeric to our morning eggs or any liquid (a smoothie or a cup of water), my husband uses the organic ground turmeric powder below.  For the best Turmeric price buy it here. Be sure to take BioPerine with this bulk form of turmeric for the best absorption since it is not included in this product.  For the best BioPerine price buy it here.  For more Turmeric info, click here.



Green Tea

Green Tea is a great way to burn calories and boost your immune system.  We use it in the tincture, capsules, and powder forms. For the best Green Tea tincture price buy it here.  For the best Green Tea capsules price buy it here. For the best Green Tea powder price buy it here.  For more green tea info, click here.


Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 turns on hundreds of genes that helps your body perform optimally. For the best Vitamin D3 price buy it here.  Be sure to use Vitamin D3 with Super K2.  For the best Super K2 price buy it here.


Pau d’Arco

Pau d’Arco is a powerful, natural anti-fungul and anti-parisitic herb.  For the best Pau d-Arco price buy it here.



Magnesium is an essential atomic chemical element (12) necessary for human life.  It exists at the center of chlorophyll, which allows plants to capture sunlight and make chemical energy.  Magnesium acts as the oil for the body as your car needs oil to function.  Magnesium is responsible for hundreds of enzymatic reactions within the body.  For the best magnesium price buy it here.


Boswellia Serrata (Frankincense)

Boswellia Serrata, a tree that grows in India and the Middle East, has a plethora of health benefits.  Its properties include being anti-inflammatory, supporting joints and blood sugar, relieving pain, protecting the liver and colon, and boosting the immune system. One can see why the Magi brought, Frankincense, a powerful resin derived from the Boswellia serrata tree to the Messiah as a gift as valuable as gold and Myrrh. For the best Boswellia serrata price buy it here.


Astragalus Root

Astragalus Root is a powerful immune booster that has many positive effects on the body including relief of stress.  It is used as an anti-inflammatory herb, to support heart health, shrink tumors, and regulate insulin in diabetics.  My husband uses both the capsules and tincture forms. For the best Astragalus Root capsules price buy it here.  For the best Astragalus Root tincture price buy it here.


Olive Leaf Extract


Hawthorne Berry Extract and Celery Seed Extract

Two herbs that help control my husband’s blood pressure and keep it at a managable level are Hawthorne Berry Extract and Celery Seed Extract. For the best Hawthorne Berry Extract capsules price buy it here.  For the best Celery Seed Extract capsules price buy it here.


Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle plants have been used for thousands of years to support liver functions which defends the body against toxins.  Milk Thistle which grows in Europe and America also helps bile duct disorders. For the best Milk Thistle tincture price buy it here.


Dandelion Root Tincture

Dandelion herbs have been used for centuries by Chinese doctors to improve liver, kidney, and gallbladder functions.  Dandelion Root is high in potassium and Vitamin A.  For the best Dandelion Root tincture price buy it here.


Cat’s Claw

Cat’s Claw has been used by Central and South American healers for hundreds of years for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This little-known Rainforest plant supports the immune system, joint health, DNA repair, and cell division. For the best Cat’s Claw tincture price buy it here.


Reishi Mushroom Tincture

Eastern medicine has used Reishi mushrooms for thousands of years to boost the immune system, support liver function, and fight cancer.  This edible plant also contains anti-oxidants which have anti-inflammatory properties, supports heart health, and controls blood sugar.  For the best Reishi mushroom tincture price buy it here.


B-Vitamin Complex Capsules

A good B-Vitamin complex will help your body handle stress.  My husband uses the capsule form. For the best B-Vitamin complex capsule price buy it here.

What are curcumin and tumeric?

Curcumin is a component of the tumeric plant, like Vitamin C is part of an orange.  Curcumin is the extract or part of the whole tumeric herb.  Just as it would be difficult to ingest daily the number of oranges you would need to get the potency of one Vitamin C capsule, you would need a multitude of daily dishes made with tumeric to equal the potency of a curcumin extract supplement.

Curcumin is a natural polyphenyl, a photochemical compound that gives tumeric its appealing vivid yellow to brown color. It is also the primary curcumoid and active ingredient of more than 300 compounds found in Turmeric, a whole herb with antioxidant properties. Turmeric comes from the ground, dried root of a plant called Curcuma Longa that grows throughout Southern Asia and is a member of the ginger family. There is about 2-4% curcumin in every pound of tumeric. This means that unless you have been born into a culture where turmeric is commonly used in most curry dishes, you probably have to supplement with curcumin to get an adequate amount of this polyphenol in your body to do any good.


The distinct earthy flavor of this spice was used, like many Asian spices and chilies, to hide the taste of stronger tasting meats and fish. It even protected against tainted foods that might have gone a little off in such hot climates. Like many such spices, it also performed a necessary and functional role as a cleanser and a bacteria-killer in the stomach.

Are curcumin and cumin the same?

Another spice found in curry is cumin that should not be confused with curcumin. Although the two compounds sound similar and cumin has been found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, not as much research has been done on this element. Curcumin appears to have more health benefits than cumin, but this could be because more research has been done on the former than the latter.





Many studies have been done on the Health Benefits of Curcumin and Turmeric

CURCUMIN is one of the most researched herbs in recent times with over 3000 studies conducted throughout the world. Dr. Prasad S, Aggarwal BB, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas is a big fan who wrote a scientific study on turmeric and curcumin called “The Golden Spice (1).” He notes that while modern medicine has been used to treat numerous diseases and been around for 100 years, traditional medicine has been around for 1000s of years. Using curcumin with my husband, we noticed herbs and plants continue to be safe and effective while modern medicine has many side effects and contraindications.

The list below links to studies that explain scientifically proven health benefits of turmeric and curcumin. Because the level of curcumin in turmeric per pound varies from 2 – 4%, most of the studies have been done on curcumin.

Oral Health Begins With a Great Smile

Curcumin contains medicinal properties for systemic and oral health.

Role of curcumin in systemic and oral health: An overview. (2)

When I had a tooth extracted, I used curcumin for pain instead of the ibuprofen the dentist recommended and was pleased to discover that it worked.

Curcumin promotes detoxification of and acts as a cleanser for the body

The effect of curcumin (turmeric) on Alzheimer’s disease: An overview. (3)

Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory compound

Potential Therapeutic Effects of Curcumin, the Anti-inflammatory Agent, Against Neurodegenerative, Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Metabolic, Autoimmune and Neoplastic Diseases. (4) See also (5) and (6).

Curcumin contains antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals and has powerful polyphenols

Anticancer potential of curcumin: preclinical and clinical studies. (7)

Curcumin boosts immune system health

Screening pharmaceutical preparations containing extracts of turmeric rhizome, artichoke leaf, devil’s claw root and garlic or salmon oil for antioxidant capacity. (8)

Curcumin acts as a bacteria-killer in the stomach and intestine

Therapeutic potential of curcumin in digestive diseases. (9)

Curcumin improves brain functions and reduces risk of brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease

Curcumin Enhances Neurogenesis and Cognition in Aged Rats: Implications for Transcriptional Interactions Related to Growth and Synaptic Plasticity. (10) See also (11) and (12).

Curcumin can help lower the risk of heart disease

The protective role of curcumin in cardiovascular diseases. (13)

Curcumin has been shown to make molecular changes that link to benefits regarding cancer

Chemopreventive Effect of Curcumin, a Naturally Occurring Anti-Inflammatory Agent, during the Promotion/Progression Stages of Colon Cancer. (14)

Curcumin helps arthritic patients relieve painful joints

A randomized, pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of curcumin in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis. (15)

Curcumin aids in relieving depression

Efficacy and safety of curcumin in major depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial. (16) Also see (17)

Curcumin may help increase longevity and fight age-related chronic diseases

Curcumin, inflammation, aging and age-related diseases. (18)






Health Benefits of Curcumin – Reducing Inflammation

Turmeric and its lesser known extract curcumin [kur-kyoo-min] are having a resurgence of popularity in the western culture. Although the curry spice turmeric has been a staple in the Indian culture (the east) for generations, westerners are more recently enjoying the benefits of this bright orange herb. With the explosion of chronic health diseases in the west, we US citizens are looking for safe, natural herbs to include in our daily regimen that will keep us hardy and well.


Indian food by Sat Bhatti prt
Several Indian Curry Dishes

What are the health benefits of curcumin and turmeric?

In the Ayurvedic culture, the whole turmeric plant has been used for centuries as a spice and to treat internal disorders. Multiple studies over the past decade have shown that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, also has an abundance of health benefits. Some health researchers today tout curcumin as one of the best nutrients to promote a healthy inflammatory response in the brain, heart and throughout the entire body. (1)

Because turmeric contains such a small amount of its active ingredient curcumin (about 2-4% per pound), most of the studies (see tabs above) have been done on curcumin. Below is a list of scientifically proven health benefits of turmeric and curcumin. (2)

    • promotes detoxification of the body
    • is a natural anti-inflammatory compound
    • contains antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals and has powerful polyphenols
    • boosts immune system health
    • acts as a bacteria-killer in the stomach and intestine
    • improves brain functions and reduces risk of brain diseases, including Alzheimer
    • can help lower the risk of heart disease
    • has been shown to make molecular changes that link to benefits regarding cancer.
    • helps arthritic patients relieve painful joints
    • aids in relieving depression
    • may help increase longevity and fight age-related chronic diseases

What is inflammation?

Inflammation occurs when the immune system attempts to heal the body and repair damaged tissue. Inflammation is a normal response and shows the immune system is healthy.

Broken Tooth

When short-term injuries (such as a broken/bruised ankle or a toothache) occur, inflammation can be a minor annoyance. A healthy immune system sends white blood cells to the damaged site causing the issue around the hurt area to swell, be hot to the touch, appear red, and feel tender. A strong body can also reduce Inflammation due to infections of viruses and bacteria which soon pass.


However, when inflammation is long term and triggered by something other than injury or pathogenic invaders, it can play a role in some chronic diseases and attribute to common signs of aging. These triggers can include poor diet, food allergies, toxins, emotional and physical stress, lack of sleep, synthetics, or even the use of some pharmaceutical drugs.

Exposure to these triggers on a daily basis, can cause the inflammatory response to be turned on indefinitely, causing significant harm to the body. Inflammation has been linked to brain and heart disease, kidney problems, cancer, eczema, allergies, arthritis, stroke, and asthma. (3)

In chronic inflammation the swelling never stops and the healing process is delayed. Since chronic or “silent” inflammation contributes to many Western diseases, cooking and supplementing with a natural anti-inflammatory herb can help protect our cognitive functions, overall health and ability to feel young.

How does turmeric and curcumin relieve inflammation?

Turmeric is a potent natural anti-inflammatory compound. Curcumin has been shown to block pre-inflammatory enzymes (e.g. COX2 and iNOS) which are precursors to cancer. (4)

The journal Oncogene published the results of a study that evaluated several anti-inflammatory compounds and found that aspirin and ibuprofen are least effective, while curcumin is among the most effective anti-inflammatory compounds in the world. (5) One recent study found that osteoarthritis patients who added 200 mg of curcumin a day to their treatment plan experienced reduced pain and increased mobility, whereas the control group, which received no curcumin, experienced no significant improvements. (6)

How to purchase Curcumin

There are pros and cons to taking any supplement, but most of curcumin’s cons appear to deal with absorption or not getting enough of this beneficial herb in the system. Cooking with curry is not enough. Most westerners probably need to take curcumin supplements in tables, capsules, or powder.

Curry Powder
Curcumin in Powder Form

To be effective these supplements need to contain piperine the active ingredient in black pepper which appear to enhance some of its actions

Other cons are that piperine can interfere with certain drugs.

Curcumin might increase the risk of bleeding since it can inhibit coagulation in Vito. If you are taking blood thinners, it may be inadvisable.

It might also be advisable not to take it if you are pregnant or lactating.

Studies conducted at UCLA, the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the Emory School of Medicine and Tufts have made them great fans of curcumin. The American Cancer Society states that absorption can be improved by mixing the supplement with a teaspoonful of olive oil and sprinkling the black pepper on it. (7) My husband sprinkles tumeric and pepper on our eggs every day with olive oil.

Whisked eggs
My husband cooks our eggs with Tumeric powder, pepper, and olive oil.

How did Curcumin help my husband?

My husband, a stage-four lymphoma cancer survivor, used curcumin as an adjunct therapy before and after his eight week Rituximab targeted protein treatment. Since conventional therapy does not kill off stem cancer cells (8), but curcumin does, supplementation with curcumin was a great complement for his treatment. Curcumin “has the ability to selectively target cancer stem cells, which are at the root of cancer malignancy, while having little to no toxicity on normal stem cells, which are essential for tissue regeneration and longevity.” (9)


Both the whole turmeric plant and its active extract curcumin have been proven to reduce inflammation which make them important to disease reversal. With such natural, safe herbs at our disposal, it would be great to include them as a part of an Integrative or holistic preventive health protocol.


Turmeric, the Golden Spice – Herbal Medicine – NCBI Bookshelf






About My Top Hot Herbs

Hi and Welcome to my website.


My name is Penny and my husband is a four-year cancer survivor from stage-four lymphoma.  I was his primary caregiver and eye-witness to his recovery in 2017.

I wanted to share his story and celebrate his success with curcumin, green tea, and other herbs before and after he took the standard eight-week Rituximab treatment which targeted the lymphoma cancer cells. As holistic practitioners with a metaphysical interest, we also like turmeric, curcumin, and other natural herbs since they fit the biblical references of plants being medicine (Eze. 47:12) and leaves are for the healing of the nations Rev 22:1-2).


We have been consuming natural foods for the last 22 years. We juice, eat organic fresh salads with mainly fish and chicken (a few occasional steaks) and take supplements.


With all this going on, you can probably understand our shock to learn in April 2016 that my husband had been diagnosed with lymphoma cancer after visiting his optometrist for an annual eye exam.

The optometrist noticed a weird growth in his eye and told him to go to the ophthalmologist. He went to the ophthalmologist who confirmed the growth and said he should see an oncologist. My husband put off seeing the ophthalmologist until he got a second opinion which occurred in mid-December. He began his targeted protein therapy treatment at the end of December 2016. By mid-March 2017 the doctors told him that most of the lymphoma cells were normal and he should do watchful waiting.

When we went to his oncology doctor for his annual follow-up visit in April 2018, she said his tests were phenomenal. 

She was trying to figure out why his lymphoma cancer cells were still decreasing in his body a year after he took the targeted protein treatment. Normally people have to take a take a maintenance treatment to keep the cancer low. The maintenance treatment would have been for two years once a month beginning April 2019 since it is always a chance that the Lymphoma can return. We are sure the many natural herbs and supplements my husband takes to maintain his good health have played a major role in his good health.


Providing information on the anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties of curcumin, green tea, and other powerful herbs is key.

If you ever need support or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


